Project Management (Taught) | Master's degree | Business | On Campus | 1 year | Cardiff Metropolitan University | United Kingdom
Many organisations large, medium or small constantly struggle to achieve efficiency savings. Project Management is consistently recognised as must have work place skillset to attain this value-added efficiency and to ensure a sustainable project success. Effective project management skills are in great demand in an increasingly collaborative, uncertain and complex global environment. This MSc in Project Management aims to provide graduates with a broad range of specialist and advanced toolsets both technical (hard) and interpersonal (soft) skills that will equip them to develop successful careers in the demanding and rapidly expanding field of project management.
Project Management, Programme Management and Portfolio Management body of knowledge will weave throughout this Master's degree and will provide a framework to explore fundamental and contemporary theory relating to processes, toolsets, leadership, cultural diversity, operations, strategy, systems, change and stakeholders' management. This coupled with an in-depth exposure to cutting edge practice across a range of sectors will enable graduates of the MSc Project Management to deliver successful projects in large, medium and small organisations.