Bachelor of International Business | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 4 years | Carleton University | Canada

The Sprott School of Business offers a Bachelor of International Business which is recognized as a leading program in international business education. With a focus on international business, you will develop cross-cultural skills, become proficient in another language and study abroad for a year in a country where that language is spoken.The Bachelor of International Business delivers a unique business education that is truly international.The Sprott School of Business also offers a separate Bachelor of Commerce degree program.Experience firsthand what Sprott has to offer by shadowing a Sprott student for a day. Learn more and register now for Sprott Student for a Day!The Sprott School of Business also offers the following graduate programs: Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Accounting, MSc/PhD in Management.

Bachelor of International Business | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 4 years | Carleton University | Canada

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