Civil Engineering | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | Carleton University | Canada

Civil engineers provide and maintain all of the infrastructure that we depend on daily. They plan, design, construct, operate, manage and maintain airports, bridges, buildings, dams, highways, railways, pipeline systems, tunnels, water distribution systems and treatment facilities. Carleton's Civil Engineering program starts by giving students a thorough background in mathematics, chemistry, physics, thermodynamics, geology and numerical methods. In the final two years, students focus on engineering design in the areas of structural, geotechnical, transportation and municipal engineering. Elective courses allow students to further specialize in the area of their choice. The program culminates in a practical fourth-year design project where the students apply their knowledge to a real-world design problem.

Civil Engineering | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | Carleton University | Canada

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