Greek and Roman Studies | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 3 years | Carleton University | Canada
Greek and Roman Studies (Classics) provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the ancient roots of civilization, and to observe the impact that the ancient world had on later eras. The program examines the literature, language, History, Philosophy, mytholofy, religion, social and economic life, Technology, art, architecture and Archaeology of the ancient world, framed by the impact on the Mediterranean basin of the city-states of Greece and the Roman Republic and Empire. In addition to learning about the History of civilizations that have made an indelible impact on the modern world, you will have the opportunity to learn the ancient Greek and Latin languages, to study ancient literature in the original languages or in translation, and to benefit from the expertise of Carleton scholars who have a rich variety of interests and areas of specialty. The program is intrinsically interdisciplinary: the study of Classics provides a well-rounded education, producing graduates who can reason, argue, and communicate"”essential skills for any field. A minor in Archaeology is also available.