Web Development Bootcamp | Diploma / certificate | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 9 weeks | Ironhack School | Multiple

Become a web developer in just 9 weeks with the Ironhack's Web Development Bootcamp course. You will learn the basics of Javascript, HTML/CSS and MEAN Stack. The course requires a remote prep which involves 60 hours of online content which needs to be completed before commencing with the course on campus. It covers programming fundamentals using Javascript. The programme includes a Hiring Week component which constitutes the final phase and it is where you will work with Ironhack's career team to assist with landing your dream job. You will have acquired a portfolio of projects, technical interview experience, Github presence, have a developer-focused resume, as well as being introduced to the companies in Ironhack's hiring partner network.

Web Development Bootcamp | Diploma / certificate | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 9 weeks | Ironhack School | Multiple

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