Political Science (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | Blended Learning | 4 years | Kwantlen Polytechnic University | Canada

The B.A. Major in Political Science offers the chance to explore the political world through an innovative suite of offerings that combines a solid foundation in scholarship with 'hands-on' learning opportunities in debate, diplomacy, and policy. The Bachelor of Arts Major in Political Science is designed with a special focus on emerging power dynamics at the national, trans-national, and global levels, and is therefore an ideal choice for those with a serious interest in engaging with the many dimensions of power in the modern world.As a Political Science B.A. Major, you will begin your studies with a broad range of introductory courses that expose you to the key sub-fields within the discipline (Canadian and comparative politics, International Relations, and political thought), before gradually transitioning to more specialized courses in the second- and third-year levels, and advanced-level seminar work in the fourth year of study. You will also take at least one 'experiential' course instilling hands-on skills in debate, diplomacy, and policy, as well as one upper-level course on emerging trans-national sites of power.

Political Science (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | Blended Learning | 4 years | Kwantlen Polytechnic University | Canada

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