Product Design | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 3 years | Middlesex University London | United Kingdom

Product Design at Middlesex University has an 100% overall student satisfaction rate (NSS). Additionally, the course is the only Product Design course to be accredited by both the Institution of Engineering Designers and Creative Skillset. The course numbers are kept small, to allow each year's cohort to develop as its own 'design practice'. Our tutors, experienced in both teaching and professional design practice, are freely available and operate an 'open-door' policy. We offer opportunities to develop your practice and experience through live industry briefs - such as with Berghaus, JBL/Harman Kardon and JosephJoseph; live shows in East London's creative hub - The Truman Brewery, New Designers and London Design Festival; an annual 20 week guest lecture series - featuring world leading designers, engineers and opinion leaders; entrepreneurial support and sponsorship; field trips and professional recognition. We encourage students to take our optional year-long placement (sandwich) year. Each student can work in up to three different companies during the year, allowing the student to explore work sectors and develop their personal direction. We support students in finding placement, with many companies returning year-on-year, while also encouraging students to find their own placement as part of the experience, if that's their preference. Our students secure placement across the globe, and each has a dedicated support tutor in touch during the placement. 87% of our graduates were in work 6 months after graduating, going on to work at companies such as Dyson, LEGO, Jaguar/Land Rover and IDEO.

Product Design | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 3 years | Middlesex University London | United Kingdom

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