Accounting and Finance | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 3 years | Nottingham Trent University | United Kingdom

Over recent years the demand for qualified accounting and finance professionals has grown and at Nottingham Business School we recognise that demand, creating graduates with not only a degree but also accreditation towards three accountancy bodies ACCA, CIMA and ICAEW. Accounting and Finance is an integral function within the global business environment. The course will provide you with a firm financial grounding for a career in accountancy, finance or general management. It looks at the theories and practices of accounting and finance, as well as their context in a business setting and significance within contemporary society.As an Accounting and Finance student you'll have access to our unique Trading Room facility. With 12 double-screen workstations the room gives you a simulated experience of working in the fast-moving world of shares trading. You can access sophisticated analysis tools and data on worldwide financial markets.

Accounting and Finance | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 3 years | Nottingham Trent University | United Kingdom

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