French and History (4 years) | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | Nottingham Trent University | United Kingdom

Joint Honours degrees enable you to have the maximum flexibility to study subject areas that really interest you. Our French course is offered as a post A-level subject. The course allows you to study the French language, country, politics and culture through a selection of lively options, including modules which examine cinema and literature. History at NTU will introduce you to diverse peoples, nations and ideas from medieval and early modern right through to contemporary History within Britain across to the Americas, Asia and the Far East. Both subjects will enable you to enhance your written and verbal communication, independent learning, creativity and analytical skills. French at NTU has been created to ensure a quick learning progress of the French language and an in-depth understanding of the societies and cultures in which it is spoken. It is offered as a post A-level subject for students who have already achieved A-level French at grade C or above. You'll also have the exciting option to either work or study in France during your third year. This course will help you to gain an impressive communication skills within a modern language, whilst developing your accuracy and fluency. You'll quickly enhance your language skills through the use of French language classes which will explore culture, literature, society and politics and you'll be taught with the latest teaching methods and CALL technologies. To help improve your career prospects you'll be able to take a final year module that will develop your translation and interpretation skills.

French and History (4 years) | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | Nottingham Trent University | United Kingdom

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