Interior Architecture and Design | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 4 years | Nottingham Trent University | United Kingdom

Interior architects create the atmosphere and identity of spaces in which we live, work, rest and play. Accredited by the Chartered Society of Designers (CSD) and delivered by academics who are members of the Interior Educators Network, our creative, hands-on course is designed to explore the design and development of internal spaces, in relation to their overall architectural composition.You’ll develop an understanding of how form, structure and light are used to create spaces that are both beautiful and functional. You'll work on a variety of projects, including live briefs set by industry, that will help you develop the professional skills, knowledge and experience needed for a successful graduate career as an interior architect.

Interior Architecture and Design | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 4 years | Nottingham Trent University | United Kingdom

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