Linguistics and History | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | Nottingham Trent University | United Kingdom

Joint Honours degrees offer you the maximum flexibility to study subject areas that genuinely interest you. You'll be able to shape your study according to your strengths, interests and career ambitions. Our Linguistics course will help you to analyse the way language constructs and constrains meaning which will help you to carry out your own research during your third year of study. History will introduce you to diverse peoples, nations and ideas from medieval and early modern right through to contemporary History within Britain and across top the Americas, Asia and the Far East. Both subjects will help you to think critically, develop an open mind and develop excellent analytical skills. Both subjects will help you to communicate more creatively and academically and will help you to develop strong analytical skills. This course will equip you with the tools for analysing language and for conducting your own research. You will become aware of the immense power that our language has to construct and to constrain meaning. To study this course we will not expect you to have prior knowledge of grammar; foreign languages; or technical Terminology. It will provide you with the knowledge to analyse language on a deep scale to understand the power that language has to construct meaning in societies. You'll examine the latest developments in clinical Linguistics, Media discourse, child language acquisition and research in languages and gender. This course will provide you with the necessary tools which are needed to understand various communications, societies and the ability to construct meaning of language and to carry out your own research. History offers a range of ways to make sense of the past by utilising a selection of approaches and skills. The academic team at NTU teaches specialist modules informed by their own research specialisms, including; History Matters, Conflicts and Cultures in Mid-Victorian England 1850-1880 and Real Life Work Project. This course requir

Linguistics and History | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | Nottingham Trent University | United Kingdom

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