Labor Relations and Human Resources | Bachelor's degree | Law | On Campus | 4 years | Rey Juan Carlos University | Spain
Provide an interdisciplinary and integral knowledge, taking into account the legal, organizational, psychological, sociological, historical and economic perspective. of the provision and organization of work in the company.
Train experts through the acquisition of the necessary competences, skills and attitudes, both in the dynamics of labor relations, to understand the complexity and the dynamic and interrelated nature of the work, as well as in human resources, to collaborate in an effective organization of the work and management of the personnel in the company, attending to the processes of selection, hiring, formation, integration, promotion and motivation of the employees.
Train for the application of the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired, in its various fields of action in both the private and public sectors, with the aim of training professionals for job counseling, management and personnel management, work organization, management and mediation in the labor market, and defense before the social jurisdiction of labor matters.