Master in Entrepreneurship | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 1 year | Rey Juan Carlos University | Spain
Teach lines of research in Entrepreneurship. To this end, the following training actions are carried out during the teaching period (36 ECTS credits): The impact of Information Technologies and Systems on Entrepreneurial Activity, Business Administration for entrepreneurs, Cooperation agreements for entrepreneurs, Operations Management for entrepreneurs , Economic Institutions and entrepreneurial initiative in the history of economic thought, Market processes and dynamic efficiency of the Institutions. Train in information analysis methodologies in Entrepreneurship. Research methodology in Entrepreneurship (common to all the contemplated lines). Teach to develop an investigation in the field of Entrepreneurs. In the research period that will lead to the obtaining of 24 ECTS credits, each student will prepare an authorized research work in one of the following topics, derived from any of the research lines for which they have been previously trained in the previous period.