English for Specific Purposes | Language course | Languages | On Campus | 1 week | Rose of York London | United Kingdom

Alongside our Business English courses, we offer English for Specific Purposes (or ESP). Our ESP classes focus on industry-specific vocabulary and skills (such as, Writing, speaking or listening). Thereby, giving you the skills to perform successfully in in your specific, professional environment. We achieve this by teaching the necessary language through a variety of interactive tasks. These courses focus on developing language skills and functions. Specifically, the skills necessary to perform successfully in a variety of work contexts and situations. To this end, our experienced and dedicated teachers use realistic role-plays to teach the language used individual environments. Potentially, enhancing the importance of cultural awareness. Effectively, you will work with other like-minded learners. These learners will, also, be enthusiastic about the field in which you work. Therefore, students will be able to learn from one another as well as studying the necessary English.

English for Specific Purposes | Language course | Languages | On Campus | 1 week | Rose of York London | United Kingdom

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