OET Preparation | Language course | Languages | On Campus | 1 week | Rose of York London | United Kingdom
What is OET? The Occupational English Test (or OET) is an international English language test for health professionals. The OET is relevant to those who are planning to work in the UK or in an English-speaking environment. The test assesses the candidate's language proficiency in all four skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking). Specifically, with an emphasis on communication in medical settings. The OET is regulated by Cambridge English Language Assessment and Box Hill Institute. Additionally, it is recognised by regulatory healthcare bodies both in the UK and abroad. It is recognised as proof of English proficiency for visas, study abroad, education and employment in healthcare. Why should I take the OET preparation class? Our OET preparation classes equip you with the skills, ;techniques ;and understanding to feel confident in taking the OET. The classes are taught by experienced teachers who have a comprehensive medical background. Our teachers have been trained to deliver lessons that will enable our students to achieve the scores needed. Most importantly, this course focusses on the development of the necessary skills, functions and language required to succeed in the OET.