New Zealand Certificate in Makeup Artistry (Level 4) | Diploma / certificate | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 34 weeks | Servilles Academy of Hairdressing | New Zealand

This qualification includes practical and theoretical makeup knowledge for a range of clients and environments, such as film and TV, live performance and fashion (photographic and catwalk), as well as complimentary and in-demand services including lashes, brows and tanning. The course also covers the increasingly important business and marketing skills to make it in the freelancing world. Servilles Academy prides itself on providing high-profile and diverse external opportunities, to give students a taste of work in the real world, essential to a successful career in the industry. Hair and makeup opportunities include; New Zealand Fashion Week, television programmes, live performances, runway shows and music videos for internationally renowned artists.

New Zealand Certificate in Makeup Artistry (Level 4) | Diploma / certificate | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 34 weeks | Servilles Academy of Hairdressing | New Zealand

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