Drama and Performance | Foundation / Pathway program | Art & Design | On Campus | 2 years | South Gloucestershire And Stroud College | United Kingdom

This degree is taught in the vibrant city of Bristol, which has a long established history of theatres and performing arts. The Drama and Performance degree offers opportunities for students in the practical and academic understanding of the key areas of performance practice. The course considers and explores the developments of genres, styles, practitioners and performance techniques, from the past to the modern day, relating the influences each new era brings to the contemporary theatre scene. With a strong emphasis on devising original work, this dynamic degree offers students the opportunity to explore their potential as a theatre professional. Our emphasis is on learning through practice underpinned by theoretical understanding of key theories and practitioners, students will work towards regular performances. The School of Performing Arts has a 250 and an 80 seated theatre, along with specialised classrooms ranging from acting rooms to dance studios. The degree has an emphasis on coursework and performances. On completion of this Foundation Degree the majority of students progress onto the BA(Hons) top-up year to complete the full degree.

Drama and Performance | Foundation / Pathway program | Art & Design | On Campus | 2 years | South Gloucestershire And Stroud College | United Kingdom

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